Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why Do Businesses Need Political Risks Assessment?

l Rapidly changing geopolitical developments complicate investment and business decisions from South America to Asia. Potential “hot spots” around the world, including cross-Strait ties between China and Taiwan, could expose business operations and corporate decision-making to political risks outside the traditional parameters.
l Escalating trade tension between the United States and China has slowed global economic growth and clouded economic outlook for, at least, the foreseeable future. The punitive tariffs imposed by both might have produced unexpected fiscal windfalls, but they have also damaged the foundation critical for the continued US-China business partnership.
l As the trade war between the world’s two leading economies inches, however slowly, toward an eventual resolution, there will emerge the need to provide in-depth advice to corporate leaders weighing options pertinent to continued operations and potential investments in significantly-altered playing fields, particularly in China. The advice corporations seek must be in tuned with local knowledge, while meeting international standards, practices, and expectations.
About us
l We are a group of foreign-educated, mid-career business professionals and academics in Taiwan with extensive knowledge on how China--in and out of the public domain-- operates and what foreign corporations are looking for when venturing further into the world’s largest market. We have long-established relationships with corporations, market researchers and think tankers in the region and around the world.
l For businesses that are looking for commercial trends and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region, we offer services that meet YOUR interests and objectives, not ours. We understand the anxiety when businesses venture into this part of the world, and we comprehend the complexity of decision-making in a completely different political, social, and cultural setting. Amidst uncertainties and unknowns, we will assist in reducing your risks and heightening the likelihood of success as your business embarks on a new chapter.
l We also seek and welcome potential investors as our business continues to expand. For inquiries, please contact ETRC Group at:, or call us at +886-2-2707-7176; +886-932-186-028.

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