Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Field is Set!

* As expected, People First Party (PFP) Chairman James C.Y. Soong announced the decision to launch his 4th presidential bid. He will team up with a top advertising executive, Yu Shiang, who has never run for public offices before.

* Though the extent id unknown, Soong is expected to attract votes from both the DPP and the KMT. In addition, if he is able to solidify the forces behind Foxconn Founder Terry Gou and Taipei Mayor Ke Wen-je, Soong can command significant support from those unhappy with the intense Blue-Green dichotomy that divides Taiwan.

* The campaign will likely take a month, until mid-December, before the dust settles. Soong will, of course, try to overtake KMT's Han Kuo-yu and cause traditional Blue supporters to switch allegiance in a "jumping-on-the-bandwagon" scheme. If Han is marginalised, the KMT could be headed in a direction far different from last year's mayoral elections.

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